Palazzo Radomiri в Dobrota

ЧерногорияPalazzo Radomiri


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Kriva, 85331, Dobrota, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 214 123
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4578556, Longitude: 18.7657877

Комментарии 5

  • Gila Levitan

    Gila Levitan


    Amazing place! Such a gem, Anna is so helpful, Yoga lessons were a bonus, it was so lovely. Set back a little way from Kotor for peace and quiet, near enough for a brisk walk to town with restaurants and bars along the way to stop at. I loved it. A little slice of heaven!

  • Lindsey Kavanaugh

    Lindsey Kavanaugh


    My family and I stayed at the Palazzo Radomiri for 9 days in July. We all fell in love with Montenegro, largely because of our stay at this beautiful hotel! The views from the jetty are stunning, the hotel is charming ( I couldn't stop taking photos), and Anna and the staff were all so accommodating and friendly. My kids (ages 7 and 9) swam in the pool and used the hotel's paddle board and kayak every day. The sunset paddles were idyllic! We requested a seafood dinner on the jetty one evening and it was delicious. The setting was so gorgeous and the night was not only one of the highlights of our trip, but one of the highlights of our LIFE. So, so, beautiful. We are all looking forward to coming back to the Palazzo Radomiri again!

  • Alejo Pérez-Sala

    Alejo Pérez-Sala


    Great boutique hotel and better service! We had a wonderful experience and a relaxing time during our two days of stay. We stayed at a big room with a living room with amazing views to the bay. The hotel has it’s private pier, so it is perfect to go for a swim or relax with a drink at the lounge. Thank you Anna for the hospitality!

  • Liz Page

    Liz Page


    The most idyllic spot in this beautiful sea inlet bay. The hotel is wonderful, comfortable rooms, lovely breakfast, great places to lounge by the pool or on the front where you can climb stairs down straight into the bay. Remarkably friendly hotel staff, who cannot do enough to help and wonderful daily yoga classes on the terrace in the shade with a fantastic teacher. We went on a brilliant 3 hour boat trip arranged by the hotel which picked us up from the jetty. Plenty of restaurants within walking distance and Oyster and Mussel farms very close by. It is a wonderful holiday destination especially if you or your family love being in the water!

  • Alexandra Balcazar

    Alexandra Balcazar


    We just returned after a fabulous 5 night stay at Palazzo Radomiri and can't recommend it enough if you are looking for a low-key historic hotel with attention to detail and a personalised experience. Anna and her lovely team went above and beyond for us, arranging an incredible meal on the jetty, and a last minute airport transfer, not to mention just being available and helpful whenever we needed something or to provide information. The setting of the hotel is so gorgeous, and we felt like we could easily while away the entire summer there, eating the amazing local seafood and watching the dolphins in the bay at sunset from the hotel terrace. We thought we would use the gym, but realised we much preferred hanging out in swimming in the bay, or renting bikes, kayaks, and paddle boards. Our room was very comfortable, with a king bed, a spacious bathroom with a lovely shower, and a separate living room with a bay view. Breakfast is provided, with coffee, tea, juice, fresh pastries, and fruit, along with made to order options. We are looking forward to our next stay there!

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