Nudist Settlement Ada Bojana в Ulcinj Municipality

ЧерногорияNudist Settlement Ada Bojana


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Velika Plaža BB, V87R+WVQ, 85360, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 30 455 059
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Latitude: 41.86483, Longitude: 19.342223

Комментарии 5

  • Gherman Bowie

    Gherman Bowie


    The hotel is ok, we spent almost one week there, people working there are slow but friendly... im no sure but I heard the place is managed by the state, so this could be the real reason of not investment in that place. Internet just in common areas, nice restaurants in and around the hotel, there's a store closed too...we payed to include breakfast it was good but the same food everyday. One night around 7pm I saw a car spreading smoke to avoid the attack of one million mosquitoes...Mosquito time is always 40minutes around sunrise and sunset🌅 We saw a dry tree at the end of the beach decorated with sandals and people's shoes, that's not natural in fact is really ugly, all that plastic garbage goes straight to the sea... I still don't understand why people are filthy and leave tons of garbage on the beach. Hey you! don't give all your responsibility to others, take your bag and at the end pick up your own trash. No more glass, plastic, cans or cigarette butts on the beaches 🇲🇪 No more glass, plastic, cans or cigarette butts on the beaches of this world 🌍🌎🌏

  • philip griffiths

    philip griffiths


    Beach and beach bar were superb. Great vide and very clean. The hotel and 'free breakfast' were utterly awful. The room was 75 euros and accommodated more stains than the local university mattress. The door had an inch gap under it (it was rotten to the core) letting all sorts of insects in. I had to battle with the world's largest cricket in the middle of the night. As for the breakfast - it was like a scene out of the Shining. Honestly horrendous. Beach amazing. The hotel needs knocking down.

  • C C

    C C


    Nice people. Nice long sandy nudist beach but unfortunatelly very dirty. Dirty nearby locations, everywhere you find botles, plastic, paper and junk on the side of all roads. Far from everything, it makes it very boring in the evenings. Full of miskedows. Campus is like a maximum 1 star from the 60's. Breakfast is yucky, location is boring and far away from everything, they just require taxes for beach chairs, for acomodation, city tax, bridge tax, for everithing a tax but they give nothing. Safe box is at the reception. AC not working in the room and although it was requested by us a fix it was not fixes. Because of all of that we left a few days early and most probably will not return, it is not worthy the 12 hours driving

  • Gabriel Gabi

    Gabriel Gabi


    A good balance between price and comfort. Yes, it's outdated, but the settlement has a good vibe, the rooms are clean. The personnel is very nice and helpful. The breakfast was very very good. The beach amazing. Yes, some buildings and the landscape should be updated and I hope they will do it. I felt very good and that's important. If you aren't picky it is the perfect combination for relaxing and good spirits.

  • Marko Djurovic

    Marko Djurovic


    First I am guest of Fkk Ada Bojana for decades. Unfortunately, this is not the same place anymore. This is not quite place anymore. Whole day you can hear loud music from nearby places. There are lot of guests talking loudly on cell phone with speaker turned on. On the beach there are lot of people dressed in swimming suits. Half of the trees are dead. Prices went up, but food quality is on the level of third second grade motel. We all know that after "hipster invasion" 12-13 years ago everything went bad, but today I found myself struggling to finish my vacation there. Cherry on the top of the cake was festival of some new age cult. Workers were disturbing guests even on the beach, mounting festival tents and playing music on Bluetooth speakers. To be clear stuff is great, except security guys. I love Ada , I have lot of nice memories from there, but unless they change something that is one spoiled naturist resort for me.

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