Le Petit Chateau Restoran в Bar

ЧерногорияLe Petit Chateau Restoran



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33XR+WH6, Bar, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 30 314 400
Веб-сайт: lepetit.traveleto.com
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.0997849, Longitude: 19.0913982

Комментарии 5

  • Montenegro Diaries

    Montenegro Diaries


    We went there after a long day of wandering around Bar. Ordered two cappuccinos and a palacinke. They were all delicious and the view helped us to relax after a hectic day. The price range is accaptable.

  • Ysidixbx Abjsjx x

    Ysidixbx Abjsjx x


    The cake I ordered was so old it was crunchy and the fork was dirty, do not recommend.

  • Subnor Gaming

    Subnor Gaming


    Great food, lovely to eat outside even during winter and especially during summer. Black ink seafood risotto and chicken spinach gnocchi are a strong reccomendation. Great place to visit for food while in Bar

  • Daniel Alejandro (Danielito)

    Daniel Alejandro (Danielito)


    the worst hotel of my life. Booking indicates that the hotel is 4 stars but it does not even reach two. the hotel door is inside the restaurant also called "le petit château". when the restaurant closes then the hotel closes too and there is no way out. it's a catastrophe

  • Dominik Rosenberger

    Dominik Rosenberger


    We stayed only 1 night at Le Petit Chateau. It was our first time in Montenegro. A rating of 3.5 stars would have been the most appropriated. Things we liked: + Facilities are not very modern but the room was clean and spacious + Breakfast was OK and you could order things from the menu which was included in the price + Location was quite central next to several bars and other restaurants + Wifi was OK Neutral: There was no parking at the hotel but there is a reasonable priced parking place next to the hotel (0,80 Euro per hour). Probably quite expensive considering the prices in general. Things we did not like: - It's rather a restaurant than a hotel and staff speaks poor English so depending who attends you at arrival might have difficulties to help you - My girlfriend went first alone to the place to ask for the parking space and nobody felt really responsible helping her out. It might be related to the fact that the place is rather a restaurant with guest rooms and if anyone is available at the desk. Nevertheless you get a general sense that women are not equally treated as men.

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