Pacha Surf (Kite Montenegro) в Opština Ulcinj

ЧерногорияPacha Surf (Kite Montenegro)



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Velika Plaza, 85360, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 814 712
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 41.8840519, Longitude: 19.3141062

Комментарии 5

  • Filip Jecmenica

    Filip Jecmenica


    This is my favorite kite-beach, in all of Ulcinj. A great place to learn kitesurfing. Relaxing ambience, great music, friendly and smiling staff. Highly recommended!

  • Robin Kolberg

    Robin Kolberg


    Great Location - Top notch gear. I have kited in many places around the world and this has definitely been added to my top locations. The posted photos are accurate but cannot accurately depict the great vibe there. Anne and her team are friendly, multilingual and professional. The first day I got to kite with a brand new Core kite. The water is warm and wind nice and smooth with a small break just off the beach which make an ideal kick for jumps. On the second day I used some of last years gear and it was also in great condition. It was better than having my own gear and far less hassle. I did not even wear a wetsuit on the second day as the sun was out. What a smooth ride. The views of the mountains in the background, miles of sandy beach, consistently reliable wind, warm water, relaxed chill area, great food, cold drinks, friendly atmosphere and great selection of quality and well maintained gear make Pacha Surf an ideal location to learn and practice new tricks. I will definately be back

  • Marko Lekić

    Marko Lekić


    Great kitesurfing team and staff at the bar. Definitely the favorite spot at the beach

  • Toska Sadiku

    Toska Sadiku


    This is my favourite beach in all of Ulcinj! It's definitely a kiting beach, but people who don't kite can also chill here. After going there this year, I plan on doing lessons next year because I feel like this community is where I would feel most comfortable learning. It's really rewarding to come here because you meet people from all kinds of backgrounds - I've met people who live in Germany, Finland, America, France, Switzerland, etc. The beach is usually very clean (idk what the other reviews were talking about lol) and they've recently made some really cute renovations, like hammocks and swings. There are also loads of beanbags and comfy benches around. You only need to pay if you are using one of the sun beds which have a roof (which again idk what the other review was talking about, it's normal for beaches in this town lol) The cafe has an assortment of drinks and food, and their music is awesome. The staff are rly nice and chatty :) Usually on weekends they also host live gigs I've put some photos I've taken over my stay here XD

  • Lazar Perić

    Lazar Perić


    One of the greatest bich bar I have ever visited. The sea is not very clean, but it is tolerably. I'll go again for sure

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