Konoba Kod Ranka в Opština Ulcinj

ЧерногорияKonoba Kod Ranka



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ME, 85360, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 797 676
Веб-сайт: foodbook.me
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 41.8673397, Longitude: 19.341031

Комментарии 5

  • Amela Bicic

    Amela Bicic


    The best restaurant in Ada Bojana, with fresh tasty fish and sea products. The staff is excellent and nice. Here you will get and feel the true vibe and colors of this magnificent place called Ada Bojana. If you are looking for a place with incredible food and outstanding view look no further then Koliba kod Ranka locally called at Irena's And prices are more than affordable.

  • Bojana Stojanovska

    Bojana Stojanovska


    Perfect and quiet atmosphere, right on the coast of Ada Bojana with wonderful view! The service was great and the food was delicious. Enjoyed every second there.

  • Patrycja Antończyk

    Patrycja Antończyk


    The restaurant is situated in an area with a beautiful view. Very good food, nice owner. During our stay in Montenegro, we were there twice. If you are in Montenegro and you want to eat well, it is worth covering even several dozen kilometers to visit this place

  • Sandra Silaghi

    Sandra Silaghi


    A great place for fresh fish and seafood, in the Velika Plaža and Ada Bojana area. The restaurant is not fancy, but the freshness of the food, the magnificent location ( with incredible sunset view ) and the very friendly and attentive service, make it top. We had the tastier fish soup ( riblja čorba) while in Montenegro, along with an extremely tender turbot (iverak/romb). We can not recommend this place enough !!!

  • Jannis Thümmig

    Jannis Thümmig


    Great place, fresh food, nicely decorated interior and helpful service. We went here for a dinner, ordered some grilled fish, salads, and got some free desserts on top. The service was really nice and helpful, explained everything properly and clear. If you’re around the area, you should definitely check this place out.

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