Konoba Feral в Herceg - Novi

ЧерногорияKonoba Feral



🕗 время открытия

4, Vasa Ćukovića, Herceg - Novi, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 31 322 232
Веб-сайт: www.konobaferal.com
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4504246, Longitude: 18.5351152

Комментарии 5

  • Rett Perera

    Rett Perera


    Great place! The nettle soup was delicious if a little too salty, so best to share and eat with bread, then it's perfect! We tried the tagliatelle with truffle and another with salmon, both were delicious. Huge portions, and perfect with some local or regional wine! Service was good too, and the view is lovely.

  • Sarolta Végh

    Sarolta Végh


    Nice and super cozy place in Herceg Novi with a nice sea view. We have already been here, 6 years ago, but the quality is still very good. Great seafood with friendly staff. It's always crowded, so it's better to book a table in advance.

  • Tom St.

    Tom St.


    Lovely location and very atmospheric restaurant, somehow all the odd furniture and theme really works and feels very cosy and intimate. Our hotel (One & Only) booked us a table and got us a spot on the terrace, which was lovely. We ordered four fish main courses which they presented to us on one big platter which was amazing, really such fresh fish and very tasty. Some of the best fish we have ever had, and served with a plethora of tasty and beautifully seasoned vegetables. The service was friendly, although not the most attentive, though this may have been because they had a full restaurant, although this is not really an excuse. There were some big tables which seemed to occupy their attention more than us, which is sad. I was not asked if I wanted to get another glass of wine even though mine was empty. We were not offered a desert menu after our main plates were taken and despite trying to get someones attention for nearly 15 minutes, we had to go inside to pay for the bill, which felt like we could do that at McDonalds. Not big things, but they sour an experience so just take note. Overall, despite a disappointing end to the meal (which may be avoided with better awareness training for the staff), the food and atmosphere were excellent and really such top quality.

  • Milan Pisaric

    Milan Pisaric


    Food is amazing. Portions are huge. Athmosphere is very nice (early evening) and the service is friendly

  • Jovan Radnic

    Jovan Radnic


    Restaurant tucked in on the promenade with a nice view and amazing food. The seafood is fresh and portions are huge (definitely worth the money). Highly recommend tagliatelle with sea urchin, clams and shrimp.

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