Express Restaurant Petlja в Igalo

ЧерногорияExpress Restaurant Petlja



🕗 время открытия

39, E65, Igalo, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 263 888
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4616737, Longitude: 18.508881

Комментарии 5

  • David Stringer

    David Stringer


    Rustic, authentic and excellent value for money. Don't be put off by the appearance, the food is high quality. Menu is not in English but we managed to get a smartphone translation of a .pdf file.

  • veebee



    Real homemade Montenegrin food! Like it's your mom cooking! The place does not look appealing but trust me and the entire town going there dining in or take away! Plenty of choice from ready food and a la carte menu if you speak the language. The blond lady seems to be hostile at first but she speaks English enough to feed you well, to give advice even! Food is excellent! Eat there 3 times, then no more just because I left Montenegro! No greasy, not heavy bit so tasty and fulfilling! Above all the price is ridiculously low! Average is 4.50 eur for a full meal like gulash stew, potatoes and salad. I took for the last meal stuffed pepper with meat and rice in tomato sauce: amazing taste and huge portion. Their caked are to die for! Never tried better cakes! In the pic one which reminds a mix of kinder Pinguì freshmade. Their trileche is our of this world!

  • Vedrana Nikolić

    Vedrana Nikolić


    This is a great place if you don't want to cook during vacation. For a modest price (2,7 - 4 €) you could get a big portion of quality food. Every day they offer about 10 different home cooked dishes

  • Patrick Kohler Aranibar

    Patrick Kohler Aranibar


    great buffet whith extremely good prices!! a bit far away from the beach, but when we went (for lunch time), a woman helped us with the options in english, the size of plates where HUGE, the taste excellent, and much better prices than on the beach! Definitely a place to go if you want to save some money and eat home-made food :)

  • floriana de maio

    floriana de maio


    Very good value for money restaurant. Of course it's not a Michelin 3 stars but the food is good and the price too, way better than the tourists trap down the town.

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