Katun Raković в Berane

ЧерногорияKatun Raković



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Kurikuće - Suvodo, 84300, Berane, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 68 050 263
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.8897282, Longitude: 19.685359

Комментарии 5

  • Robert Rat

    Robert Rat


    A beautiful part of Biogradska Gora. A perfect escape from reality in the beauty of nature. Besides that nature and the walking and biking trails that take your breath away from the viewpoints along the way, I have to try to praise Katun itself. From more than pleasant hosts, you can get the ultimate pleasure in terms of hospitality. Not to mention local food. I don't think I've ever enjoyed home cooking as much as here. It's just that a person is more sorry that he won't stay another day at lunch than in nature 😁🤤

  • Milica RAT

    Milica RAT


    Raković katun is located on a beautiful part of Biogradska Gora, far from Biograd Lake, but close to other lakes that can be visited by walking. Although they are smaller, they are more reminiscent of Durmitor's lakes and certainly deserve attention. The nature is unbelievably beautiful and forests, meadows and blueberries alternate and are cut by rocky sections. But the mountain is green and full of springs at every turn. Great for staying and walking with smaller children. In the accommodation, the hosts give excellent recommendations for walks of any length and difficulty. The food is homemade and delicious. Katun is powered by solar panels and everything is very eco-friendly. They have a large number of contents on offer and you only need to contact them for an agreement. The only drawback is the inaccessible road. And if you don't have an all-terrain vehicle, don't move. BUT it is a great advantage that there is a possibility in that case to be transported from the nearest village to Katun and WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND because the stay is an indescribable experience!

  • Kat Brett

    Kat Brett


    Firstly, the views all around are incredible! The cabin was amazing to stay in and the food was absolutely delicious! Secondly, Sanja and Stefan (our hosts) went above and beyond. We went on a hut to hut hike while the paths were still a bit difficult with snow and they called ahead to our next katun, advised us on our route, checked in on us and then gave us a lift back up to the katun the next day as the weather forecast was not so good. Honestly, some of the most lovely people I have met! Just a note to say, if you are driving, make sure you go via Berane and Lubnice. It's a tricky gravel road for the last 6km but possible in a 2wd car.

  • Brit Boone

    Brit Boone


    The Rakovic Katun is ideal as part of a hut-to-hut hike or for a family get-away in the middle of nature inside Biogradska Gora National Park. This is a great place to disconnect from the busyness of life and enjoy nature and the real Montenegro. Stefan and Sonja are great hosts that go out of their way to help guests have an unforgettable experience. The Rakovic Katun is a key member of the Meanderbug hut-to-hut (see the Meanderbug App for hiking route & other info regarding travel in Montenegro) and farm stay network.

  • Jovan Radnic

    Jovan Radnic


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