Bianca Resort & Spa в Kolašin

ЧерногорияBianca Resort & Spa



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Mirka Vešovića, Kolašin, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 20 863 000
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.8244454, Longitude: 19.5171946

Комментарии 5

  • Armin



    Went there because of a seminar for 5 days. It was nice and the employees were very friendly. The food was fantastic but the location of the hotel isnt very convenient unless you came here to ski.

  • adela osmenaj

    adela osmenaj


    Very rude staff... Even racist I would say. Unfriendly. Unorganized. The pool they have is small and always full of people and I am not sure of their standards of the amount of clorox they use, since all you can smell is clorox. And their communication was the most uncomfortable one I have ever had! They said we consumed a bottle of water we didn't. We were ok paying a 5$ value of the bottle, since we didn't have a problem paying 350$ for sleeping there, but the way they acted was like they finally found the criminals they were looking for. A big boooo to that experience! I recommend to anyone reading this review, to look at the bnbs around the area, they have beautiful houses you can rent, with fireplaces and you can skip the horrible service. If you are a foody, the place was fine. Planty of food.

  • Goga Markovic

    Goga Markovic


    I didn’t stay in their rooms so I can’t comment on that. But I was there to eat several times . Immediately I noticed there is a lack of a proper guest welcoming. The food was fine at that time but the service was not great. Today I went specially to have a lunch there. The ambience is a bit out dated, I must say. Also, there is nothing around the hotel except children playground. No flowers, no efforts whatsoever for this place to look beautiful. The food was bellow average and their decoration was questionable. My mother said her pasta was fine, but my pork medallions were terrible: not seasoned, the vine sauce tested more like a ketchup sauce. I had to add salt and pepper- which I never do at restaurants. Would I order it again? No way. Would I eat there again? Not sure really. Also, they brought us a basket of bread that we never asked for. The service was .ok, but the experience was not really nice.

  • Сергей Назаров

    Сергей Назаров


    12.02.2023 our family visited SPA center. Only after we paid at the reception we were informed that sauna did not work during that period of time and we could use only swimming pool. There were no such information on the website either. Also they gave no discount for our 6 year old son. However on the website there is such discount. Swimming pool itself was good.

  • Arjan Lleshi

    Arjan Lleshi


    Facilities are quite nice in general: lobby/pool/gym/sauna. Most of staff is kind and helpful too, however many of them struggle to communicate in english. Worst part of my experience there was at the restaurant. We ordered 2 pricey steaks cooked medium rare and what we received was what seemed to be boiled then fried meat. I pointed it out to the waiter that our order was wrong. They took my plate and came back 5 minutes later with a new plate with a steak that looked exactly the same as the first one. 🤦‍♂️ At that point I understood that arguing my point would be pointless and gave up.

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