Hotel Villa Duomo в Kotor

ЧерногорияHotel Villa Duomo


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Stari grad 358, Kotor 85330, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 32 323 111
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4246408, Longitude: 18.7711317

Комментарии 5

  • Sam ST

    Sam ST


    Fantastic stay the room was clean and the staff very friendly. The location was in the heart of the old city of Kotor !! Breakfast was thoughtfully done in a beautiful patio area with a number of choices !!

  • Mark Altshuller

    Mark Altshuller


    Good hotel and good location. The room is very nice and clean. The staff is friendly. The only problem that breakfast is very poor and bad prepared. The omelette was fried in ton of oil.

  • Kris Looten

    Kris Looten


    My family and I had the pleasure of staying here for 9 days on our trip to the seaside in Kotor. I can unequivocally say this is one of the best hotels we have been to. The location and property are amazing but what made it truly special was the staff. The genuine passion for guest service was so appreciated. This is a true boutique hotel with a very caring, present owner and a staff that goes above and beyond your expectations to provide an amazing experience. I would never stay anywhere else in Kotor and given the ease of access to the rest of the coast in Montenegro, it was that good. Duomo is absolutely fantastic, the property for sure but the people made it truly unique and special. Thank you for a great base for our seaside holiday, you made our trip!

  • Alexander Swinarew

    Alexander Swinarew


    The room was excellent with a functioning air conditioning, a big shower and a comfortable bed. The service was very good and we received assistance whenever we needed it. The only negative aspect that we could find was the extremely loud music until 1:00 in the morning.

  • Benoit Mayer

    Benoit Mayer


    Wonderful hotel and beautiful rooms, right in the center of the old town. Great place for vacations. The breakfast was excellent. I wish I could come back soon!

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