Ka'banya Kitesurf Beach в Ulcinj

ЧерногорияKa'banya Kitesurf Beach



🕗 время открытия

Ulcinj - Velika Plaza, 85360, Ulcinj, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 066 225
Веб-сайт: www.kitesurfmontenegro.com
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 41.874539, Longitude: 19.32917

Комментарии 5

  • Eli Spizzichino

    Eli Spizzichino


    This experience didn't work out as we hoped at the beginning when we met Dimitri that is one of the manager of the kite school, we thought he was the teacher and given the good communication skills we enrolled for lessons/course. Unfortunately the wind conditions weren't great but Dimitri choose to try the first lesson anyway with an instructor that was barely able to speak English, just repeating the same words without trying to say the same thing in a different way if we could not understand, choosing wrong technical terms for kite parts, a bad teacher overall. But more importantly he didn't let her hold the bar by herself and fill it and control. Furthermore, since the wind conditions were marginal, the instructor made the wrong choice of kite and line length, changed mid lesson losing a lot of precious time in worsening conditions. The bar was numb with the lines barely tensioning by the time we tried again. A professional would call it a day and not charge for such a lesson! (We paid 60€ instead) Another thing we like to point out is the overall organization and location issues: at the beginning they said we could place our tent at the beach and they asked for some money, the next day they said we could not stay there any longer because the beach was protected and our tent was too big and they could have repercussions from local authorities. So this means they don't own or have concession for that area but they dare to charge you anyway! Moreover we found the camping area with several old plastic bottles this tells you how much they care about wild life and protected flowers... we would have left anyway given there is no shade and there is LOUD MUSIC almost 24/h... the loud music makes also difficult to speak during the day and not ideal when you are trying to understand someone who can barely speak! We decided to leave after we could not charge our phone and the bar tried to rip off asking for 10€/seat while we were drinking our coffee!!! We pointed out we were guest of the school and consuming but they didn't let us stay anyway. They look at you as a walking bill this is not the place to be for learning kite in a relaxed environment!

  • Stefan Radukic

    Stefan Radukic


    Amazing staff. Great food. Very clean and beautiful beach. Great DJ! We had very pleasant stay, and will definitely come again! Perfect place to chill. 10/10 recommended.

  • Haris Ovcina

    Haris Ovcina


    If you’re looking for the most relaxed and chilled place in Montenegro, look no further. Amazing people running the place! If you’re looking for a kitesurfing school, I cannot recommend this place enough. The instructors take their job seriously and they genuinely care about you learning the basics. 10/10

  • xen joy

    xen joy


    The best place on Ada Bojana. Best music, best atmosphere. Coolest people. Handsome guys and cool girls without fake eyelashes and makeup (((:

  • Ivan Radnev

    Ivan Radnev


    Awesome place. Even if you do not surf, go. You will not regret. The beach is huge. The view of the kite surfpipe is unique. Nearby is Ada Boyana Beach.

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