Botanica Restaurants & Pizzeria в Ulcinj

ЧерногорияBotanica Restaurants & Pizzeria


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Ulcinjskih moreplovaca, 85360, Ulcinj, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 41.9240983, Longitude: 19.2024733

Комментарии 5

  • Lord APOSTEL

    Lord APOSTEL


    4 of our group of 6 ended up with food poisoning. Half of the menu was not available. Waiting time for the food to arrive was above average. You constantly hear two different club-like remixes from separate close-by located clubs.

  • оксана курко

    оксана курко


    Friendly stuff and good dishes. We took fish and sea salad. Half of the menu was not available and unfortunately those dishes that we wanted. We also have to pay by cash. Anyway atmosphere, staff and taste was pleasant.

  • super gaspe

    super gaspe


    Very unpleasant experience Restaurant very well located in front of the beach but a bit removed from the crowd. Very welcoming staff. No sooner do we sit down than the waiter explains that half the menu will not be available.( in Fact it will be more) Ok we decide to stay. We are among the first to arrive. We order cold starters to share. Then some dishes. After 40', the restaurant was full, our neighbours who arrived after us were all served and we were still waiting for our cold starters (no cooking to be done.) They took 40' to arrive, we had ordered olives and the waiter told us that they didn't have any more either (it's THE region of olives.) In the end, the proposed menu was tiny compared to the menu. The waiter apologised for the delay and told us that everything would be quicker afterwards. This was not the case. After an hour, annoyed by so much waiting, we called the waiter who told us that the dishes would arrive in 5'. We told them that we would leave in 5' if the dishes did not arrive and the dishes did arrive in 5'. The meat was cooked like cardboard. We arrived happy to be able to share a good moment with others and we find ourselves in the position of dissatisfied customers obliged to complain. It's very unpleasant. Manage a restaurant is a real job, if you don't know how to manage your orders, change jobs. And we really didn't set out to complain. But to see the newcomers being served before you is something very unpleasant. Finally, when it's time to pay, they tell us that they don't take credit cards, only cash. It would have been nice to write it down and announce it BEFORE. Impression of being taken hostage

  • Tim M.

    Tim M.


    Nice place with friendly staff. Meals were freshly cooked and very delicious.

  • Alen Delibegović

    Alen Delibegović


    Wnt there with my wife. Ćevapi were a bit odd and unevenly shaped and I could taste baking soda in them. Chicken salad my wife had was nice. Waiter was a bit to eager to take away our plates as soon as I was finished. Terrace is nice and spacious.

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