Institut za bolesti djece в Podgorica

ЧерногорияInstitut za bolesti djece


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Džordža Vašingtona, Podgorica, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 20 412 412
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Latitude: 42.4366482, Longitude: 19.2444642

Комментарии 5

  • Dusanka Duda Novosel

    Dusanka Duda Novosel


  • stanija medenica

    stanija medenica


    I am writing as a colleague and former student of this institution 8/20/2022 year I came with a child of less than 2 years old, with an ear infection and a ruptured eardrum. It was explained to me that they have a doctor on call, on standby, who sits at home and waits for a call, when someone comes with a referral for a specialist examination. We didn't have a referral, but only a report from a doctor from the Bar Health Center, so they sent us to the Nova Varaos Health Center by referral. When we returned with instructions from the pediatrician that the child needed a specialist examination, in order to clean the contents from the ear and prescribe therapy, we handed him over and waited. Soon the nurse appeared, and explained that she had heard from the doctor on standby and that he said that there was no need to come, that the child was taking an antibiotic and we were putting drops in his ear. Which we received as first aid at the health center, and if we want, we can come tomorrow at 10 a.m. for an examination. Then I explained to the nurse that the child had temepratura, that there was a lot of pus in the ear, and my husband asked for a confirmation that they would give us that the doctor would not come from home and that he considered that the therapy he received at the hospital was sufficient. Of course we didn't get it! The nurse was very kind, and she consoled me that it was quite enough, that we could carefree travel to Belgrade that day (where we are from) with a fever, pus from the ear and pain. So when we arrive in Belgrade, let's take him to Dr. We also had travel insurance, so they could charge for the examination, but the doctor did not assess that the condition was so dire that he should come from home..... That's so much...

  • Milos Mrdovic

    Milos Mrdovic


    Thank you for everything!

  • snezana ilic

    snezana ilic


    Thank you to everyone from pediatric endocrinology, we will never forget your dedication, expertise and kindness. Better than in Bg and clearly by 10

  • Jovo Vukcevic

    Jovo Vukcevic


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