Aesthetic Medical Centar Barovic - Dr Aleksandra Barović в Podgorica

ЧерногорияAesthetic Medical Centar Barovic - Dr Aleksandra Barović



🕗 время открытия

bb, Cetinjski Put, Podgorica, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 67 546 564
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4380052, Longitude: 19.2342325

Комментарии 5

  • Slađana Živanović

    Slađana Živanović


    I met Dr. Aleksandra Barovic many years ago. On the first treatment, professional, concrete and effective. Today, after many years, I can say that she is very professional, visible results, IRREVOCABLE... and my FRIEND...❤️❤️❤️

  • mirsad hodzic

    mirsad hodzic


    Intending to help someone else, I would like to share one bad experience with Dr. Aleksandra Barovic. I approached her believing in her as a professional dermatologist, with the reason for the changes in pigmentation on the face and neck. After a short conversation, she suggested laser removal of dark spots, the success of which she confirmed by displaying photos from her phone. I agreed, we arranged an appointment, I held anesthesia in the form of face cream for about 40-50 minutes, then Dr. Aleksandra started laser treatment. I have never felt so much pain in my life, especially in the area where the beard grows in men. 3-4 times I had to stop the treatment because of the unbearable pain that I experienced as a total burn of the skin. after the "treatment" was over, my face was burnt, but literally burnt. I couldn't change anything anymore. before we agreed to do the treatment, I hinted to Dr. Alexandra that I plan to do a hair transplant in two weeks and asked if it could be a consequence, because my donor area would be a beard, she said that after a few days the beard will start to grow normally and that there is no problem. to this day, June 6, 19 days after the “treatment” my beard has not grown. you have read about my personal experience, now make your own decision.

  • Victoria Royal Group

    Victoria Royal Group


    I can't remember how I came to this salon, but I know that I've been there for 10 years, it's the most beautiful place, a sincere recommendation and I wouldn't change anything 🤗 for service and kindness, 10 stars. Special praise for our Dr. Aleksandra, in addition to her experience and professionalism, her smile that greets you at the door inspires you with great confidence and a reason to always come back. Stay like that and I will always come back for a dose of beauty 🌹☀️❤️

  • Mira Kljajic

    Mira Kljajic


    She won my trust at our first meeting, and not a few years have passed since then. Cordiality, expertise, security, are qualities that always lead me to her and her skillful hands. Thank you for being my friend and my dotoresa. My sincere recommendation and highest rating for her work

  • Suzana Marković

    Suzana Marković


    "Beauty will be found where you look for it." -Madonna And I found everything in one place. At my dear Alexandra's. Friend, advisor, the best aesthetic doctor with a great deal of moderation and style. Perfect ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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