Eko Oaza-Tear of Europe в Mojkovac Municipality

ЧерногорияEko Oaza-Tear of Europe



🕗 время открытия

Dobrilovina bb, 84205, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 444 590
Веб-сайт: eko-oaza.me
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.0175367, Longitude: 19.4101596

Комментарии 5

  • Steven Ceuppens

    Steven Ceuppens


    Excellent site next to the river that is accessible from the camping. Spacious spots. The owners go a long way to make you feel comfortable. Food is excellent. Available fire pits and huts to bbq. We were there a year ago and still think of this place

  • Daniel Piera Oberg

    Daniel Piera Oberg


    Such a beautiful campground with such kind and helpful hosts! Great food, access to the river, amazing hot showers....everything you might need. Also nice to go for a hike to Zabojsko Jezero.

  • Katrin Fürsich

    Katrin Fürsich


    We didn’t stay at the camp but the owners were so friendly and let us take shelter during a thunderstorm. We had a nice coffee and continued to cycle the Tara valley after the rain had stopped. It seems to be a very nice place to also stay over night.

  • adrian ross

    adrian ross


    Really surprised by the recent review as we have found everything about this place to be fabulous. The hosts have been very welcoming, the location is stupendouos, the food is lovely and the facilities are very clean (except the toilet waste point which could be improved). A really nice 15 minute walk down to the river and if you can rock hop then you can get to the monastery or a footbridge that will take you on some more walking routes. Intended to stop for 2 nights but ended up staying for 5 nights.

  • Sebastian Krogh

    Sebastian Krogh


    This place is like nothing else. A passionate family runs the place and they speak excellent english. The camp is quite, toilets clean and water is cold. They can server you dinner with local caught fish or meat, and maybe if you are lucky they’ll even serve it at your own camp. There’s also a small private magical beach where you have to walk 5 minutes or so. In all, one of the best and most welcoming camps we have visited.

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