“Blažo Orlandić” General Hospital в Stari Bar

Черногория“Blažo Orlandić” General Hospital


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34QJ+MF6, Stari Bar 85354, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 30 342 333
Веб-сайт: www.bolnicabar.me
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.089172, Longitude: 19.1311483

Комментарии 5

  • Eb Kl

    Eb Kl


    An impudence! These are not doctors - these are corrupt scumbags... If you have money, you will be helped, otherwise you have to pray to God that it works / will be good. Unfortunately, the poor people from Stari Bar and the surrounding area have no options. It's a pity that there is no medical association or similar here - many would lose their jobs here! I could write more here... Hygiene and sterility are a disaster. When you get blood drawn, you take the same needle from the previous patient and heat it up with a lighter - that's not the definition of disinfection. To all "doctors": Don't forget that your patients also have families and children - shame on you! And don't take the money from the poor people because they need it too!!! I'm sure there are more who would comment immediately...

  • Xenia Zalman

    Xenia Zalman


    They almost killed my husband there during a routine surgery

  • Світлана Ангеліна

    Світлана Ангеліна


    It so happened that during the rest, the child had a very severe poisoning. We turned to this hospital for help. The child was immediately taken by a doctor, he was given all the necessary tests and prescribed treatment. We stayed in the hospital for two days, during which time the child was under control all the time, the nurse came every hour (even at night), the doctor 3-4 times a day. The rooms are private and very clean. There are bed linen and necessary personal hygiene products. They also fed us, the food was delicious, they even gave us fish and meat. So many thanks to the hospital staff for the qualified assistance and good attitude.

  • muna cekic

    muna cekic


    I am only giving one star because I have to! Sadly my son got cut on his leg from glass, a very BIG cut! The Doctor and Nurses there are HORRIBLE.... my son is only 9 and they didnt let us stand next to him while they poured ALCOHOL on his cut which burned him!! The doctor didnt care to look at him, was more concerned of my background etc... After going back to the hotel the next day we where advised to clean the cut, when i opened it I cried so much- they stitched my son with 3 stitches when this cut needed 30!!!! a ANIMAL wouldnt get this type of treatment- and he didnt even let the anesthesia kick in my son screamed because he felt all the pain when getting stitched!! Animals- close this down or get people who CARE for patients that come in there ! DISGUSTING PEOPLE! Just look at the photo and tell me how you would feel if you saw this type of job done on YOUR child

  • Blerim Mandija

    Blerim Mandija



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