Aqua Resort Plav в Brezojevica

ЧерногорияAqua Resort Plav


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HWX9+C6G, Brezojevica, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 67 618 410
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.5985723, Longitude: 19.9180925

Комментарии 5

  • Asim Alqahtani

    Asim Alqahtani


    Tried the restaurant. They changed our order and when we told them, they said they don't have it. Also food we ordered was cold and the meat was chowy. The service for internationals is very bad. They leave you alone and prioritize locals. The view is the only thing that is good, otherwise, it is a waste of money.

  • vojin todorovic

    vojin todorovic


    A good restaurant with a solid selection of food, for a very reasonable price. The choice of drinks is a little worse, but also the correct prices. Great views of the lake and the city, good location and friendly staff.

  • Jasmin S.

    Jasmin S.


    We stayed one night in the room on the first floor and had dinner in the restaurant. Sadly the room was smelly and old fashioned, garbage still full. Definitely not recommended for a nice stay. We had to wait an hour for our food to arrive, Pomfrites we’re completely cold and soggy, salad and pizza okay. Unsubscribing breakfast later after that dinner was unfortunately not possible.

  • Johnny Truelove

    Johnny Truelove


    Had a big table, roughly 20 people. Took an hour to put salads on the table. I was getting up to serve myself the 2nd round of drinks until the server saw me he then came. The food was horrifying. Completely discombobulated, the owner is cheap and doesn’t have enough workers for the size of the place. The owner/manager after I waited an 1hour and 30 minutes decided it was funny to make joke after a few people didn’t get their food while others did. The manager was not in tune with was going on and was running around like a chicken without his head. Don’t come here if you want ur night ruined.

  • Jiri Vycital

    Jiri Vycital


    My room was old and smelly. Perhaps some others are renovated, but the rooms on the ground floor towards the lake are bad - at least mine was. The attitude of the staff is not exactly customer-centric either. The food was good, though.

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