Lodge Between The Pine Trees в Babino Polje

ЧерногорияLodge Between The Pine Trees



🕗 время открытия

Maslo, J352+VQ4, Babino Polje 84325, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 63 416 112
Веб-сайт: lodgebetweenthepinetrees.business.site
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.6095291, Longitude: 20.0532694

Комментарии 5

  • Hikers Peak

    Hikers Peak


    We were very happy with our stay here. Its right on the Peaks of The Balkan Trail and right when you cross from Kosovo to Montenegro. You have option to order local dishes and try local food. The food was all organic and very tasty.

  • Ime Prezime

    Ime Prezime


    We missed this place, how happy we are to have discovered this little paradise in the nature, we have been to many places around but Pine Trees Lodge is something extraordinary, we liked the idea of having the opportunity to order local food and national cuisine dishes, a roasted lamp on the local way, was something really unique. If you Come by group you should definitely try it

  • Maria Y Alexander

    Maria Y Alexander


    We had a great time. Wonderful view over the Peaks Of the Balkan trails. Lovely creek just down the hill.... Food on demand was a great option, we enjoyed local dishes it was very tasty. Recommend definitely

  • Akim Hinke

    Akim Hinke


    Nice place if you have all your food with or maybe a car to do some grocery in the next town (Plav, 11 km). The kitchen is well equipted, but you have to bring all your food you need (no good deal for hikers like me!). The owners offers for breakfast, lunch and dinner are exorbitantly expensive (6,90, 15 and 16 Euro). The place is very hard to find, there are no signs at the street at all. Plus: it is also still a construction place. There is no WiFi available and no mobile network at all in the area. So communication with the ownwer is just impossible ... especially if you come from the mountains. The owner doesn't seem to be very honest to me - in advance and on site. So take a long story short: For me a bad experience, can't recommend.

  • Travel Agency Prokletije

    Travel Agency Prokletije


    This big wooden house between the pine trees seems to be great place to overnight up in the mountains . Its perfect to discovering beautiful nature of National Park Prokletije... Very close to border of Kosovo and Albania. It is completely furnished and it has place for some 20 people I guess , very comfortable to stay in it , you can see small river from some of the windows

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