Stomatološka ordinacija Dr Filimanović - City kvart, Podgorica i Podgorica

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MontenegroStomatološka ordinacija Dr Filimanović - City kvart, Podgorica



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Visarion Borilović br 39, lamela 8, Podgorica 81000, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 67 013 067
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.4411022, Longitude: 19.2376874

kommentar 5

  • Tamara Zarkovic

    Tamara Zarkovic


    Extremely thankful that I discovered this dental place. All the stuff are very pleasant, professional, making you forget that you came to repair your teeth and feeling more like you visited a holistic center. They took care of me and gave concrete instructions on how to save my over-sensitive gums. I strongly recommend.

  • Danica Svrkota

    Danica Svrkota


    I am very satisfied with the level of service, knowledge, professional approach, communication with casualness, empathy... I had a very bad experience in the past, Dr. Slađa did a very good job and renewed my faith in dentists. He knows how to listen to the patient, please and thoroughly explain every step of his work. Besides being an excellent dentist, she is an esthetician, which is very important. When someone "kills" your fear and the desire to run away while you are sitting in the waiting room, know that you are in the right place and in the right hands. dr. I am very grateful to the sweeter. You leave her office satisfied and with a beautiful smile. Highly recommended!

  • Jovan Vojnovic

    Jovan Vojnovic


    My favourite dental studio. Stuff are great, perfect service! Can't wait to come back!

  • Sari Gamzu

    Sari Gamzu


    Professional, kind and patient. First time i didn't had any pain during and after the treatment. Update: I had a deep cavity. The dr did a simple filling, but after 4 weeks i started to have strong pain and needed to do a root operation on that tooth. I gave 2 starts because i dont know if it common to go throw this process

  • Thomas



    I had an appointment today and I must say very polite professional and patient oriented staff.

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