Aesthetic & Dental centar Barović i Podgorica

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MontenegroAesthetic & Dental centar Barović



🕗 åbningstider

b.b, Cetinjski Put, 81000, Podgorica, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 69 725 825
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.4379452, Longitude: 19.2342094

kommentar 5

  • Gory Camaj

    Gory Camaj


    Best dental facility in easter europe, very professional and organized, not to mention the latest tech that they use. Nikola is very friendly and very hepful with any concerns. Highly recommend! Z.Camaj

  • dagisha



    If you are looking for profesional, high quality service, this is the right place to go! Every recommendation, I can say this after using stomatologist servise in few different countries!

  • Natalia Efremova

    Natalia Efremova


    I got an implant here, the operation went perfect. Next day I was okay.

  • Zoran Celebic

    Zoran Celebic


    Best dental clinic in Montengro!!! Amazing staff, nurses are super friendly and helpful. They make your visit very comfortable and enjoyable. Dr Nikola is definitely a master of his craft. Everyone seems to care about patients and they do everything at the highest standards . Best of luck in future!

  • Bianca Gamez

    Bianca Gamez


    I am disappointed that the dentist wasn’t compassionate at all, Sandra Djaletic didn’t make sure I was numbed before using drill on my tooth, touching her hair while working on my teeth, and above all being charged 2 separate times. I was told one original price and after my tooth was fixed charged me a whole different price AND claimed to have fixed another tooth without my consent. Which was never even done. •BEWARE of being scammed for more money. •Over priced for dental work. •Not professional. •Very uncaring. I recommend to anyone looking for dentistry to NOT COME here there are better priced and more caring dentist. Being a foreigner I feel like YOU WILL get scammed!

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