Restaurant Bella Vista i Ulcinj

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MontenegroRestaurant Bella Vista



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Rr. Hafiz Ali Ulqinaku, 85360, Ulcinj, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 69 032 998
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Latitude: 41.9268601, Longitude: 19.2056197

kommentar 5

  • Adrian Kolbe

    Adrian Kolbe


    Nice place. Nice view. Positive and friendly people. Best pizza margharita at Montenegro!

  • Biedas



    Favourite place in Montenegro. Much Love.

  • Amy Willetts

    Amy Willetts


    Delicious food and a cosy interior. The owner was very kind to us and helped us book a taxi as we were struggling due to a language barrier. The starters and mains are well priced and high quality. If I am to visit Ulcinj again I will be back 👌

  • Nermin Talović

    Nermin Talović


    Accommodation in a disaster based on price, the toilet stinks so much that I vomit, the whole stench from the toilet is transferred to the bedroom, the shower is deformed, the bed creaks, the window in the bathroom cannot be opened, there is no positive thing about accommodation, Prices inflated, and little is invested in the renovation of the rooms.

  • Stacey Kuehn

    Stacey Kuehn


    We stayed in Ulcinj for 5 nights and ate here 5 times... enough said. But I'll say more. We (four of us) ordered a variety of things including the fish meal of the day, soups, salads, pizza, pasta, mushrooms, cheeses, and some traditional dishes too. Every single thing was delicious. This is an excellent family run restaurant with fabulous service. Not only were they more than happy to answer all of our food related questions, they also spent time getting to know us and answered all of our questions about the area. They shared their stories with us and we felt like part of the family. They were able to accommodate any food requests and gave us some special desserts and drinks to try on our visits. On our last evening the owner even arranged a ride to Kotor for us with his son, who serves at the restaurant. We were really sad to say goodbye and hope to see them again and indulge in more mouthwatering meals when we return to Montenegro. They made our trip even more enjoyable.

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