Guest House Hari i Ulcinj

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MontenegroGuest House Hari



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Stari Grad, Ulcinj 85360, Ulcinj 85360, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 69 435 362
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Latitude: 41.9237938, Longitude: 19.2005825

kommentar 5

  • You Leib

    You Leib


    The chicken was grilled dry. Half of my meat i donated the Cats, which are Roaming Around of the Wall Grilled Vegetables without Any spices and taste are expansive The view on the ocean was awesome the Personal was friendly

  • Mike Deeks

    Mike Deeks


    An incredible view as you'd expect from the setting. Staff very friendly, a drink offered on the house and another table shared a complimentary bottle of bubbly. Fish was very good, seafood was nice but not as good.

  • Helen Pearson

    Helen Pearson


    This was a fantastic find, not only for the fabulous views but also the hospitality of the waiter and the food itself of course! We had a wonderful tuna steak, washed down with a lovely homemade red wine, all in all great value for fresh produce in a stunning setting. Would highly recommend.

  • Mike F

    Mike F


    Superb fresh food (we ate Tuna steak) and a breath taking view. Great customer service from our waiter - the owners son - who also gave us advice about local beaches. You must try the homemade red wine - it is so good we took a bottle back to the UK and at 10 euros a bottle was good value.

  • Johannes



    Had amazing fresh fish, nicely grilled and served. Beautiful place to watch the sun set and enjoy a glass of local vino. Numerous cats hanging around waiting for you to drop some fish bones. Don't do them the favour - they are getting generously fed at the end of the day :) recommend coming here.

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