Pub Mariner i Kotor

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MontenegroPub Mariner


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Kotor, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 67 425 438
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Latitude: 42.424465, Longitude: 18.7716879

kommentar 5

  • en

    Thomas Hesse


    Tasty beer, friendly staff and nice atmosphere. Enjoyed the stay!

  • Rastko Sehovic

    Rastko Sehovic


    Loved the cocktails and the music. Very cool place.

  • Molly Harding

    Molly Harding


    Served me a mojito that was made with Peppermint liquor instead of real Mint... tasted horrible. Staff didn't care when we complained. They said they have no real mint and substitute it with peppermint liquor. For those who don't know peppermint tastes like toothpaste, it's very artificial. Two stars as my boyfriends beer was at least cold. But customer service needs improving. Go elsewhere for a cocktail!!!!!

  • en

    Matt Barszcz


    Cozy and quiet place. The staff doesn't speak English, and avoids foreign customers. It seems that their main focus are organized groups lead by local guides who use the pub as a meeting place. After 10 min of waiting we found out that the bar is self serve, which I still am not totally convinced about. When approached, the staff at the bar were unfriendly and unwelcoming. We eventually left without ordering anything. The experience was rather bad. Hopefully you will be more lucky as the place really seems great at first glance. Two stars only for location.

  • Rick de Jong

    Rick de Jong


    Slow, unfriendly service. The ice coffee was not good, the homemade ice tea tasted like iron. It turned out it was served in a jar with a rusty lid and a dirty straw. Staff didn't seem impressed.

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