Bonjour i Tivat

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PODKUK 1 PODKUK 1, Tivat 85320, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 69 835 912
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Latitude: 42.4364107, Longitude: 18.6982151

kommentar 5

  • Nina V.

    Nina V.


    Very cozy atmosphere, the desserts are great 🙏 my favorite is probably cheesecake, but really everything I tried was tasty

  • Ali K

    Ali K


    We drove from Kotor to this restaurant that unfortunately did not live up to our expectations. We had the Indian aloo gobi and Thai peanut curry. Pros: nice interior and atmosphere, small and feels local. Varied food, cake and drink options on the menu. Cons: The Indian dish did not taste of much. It was a mix of hot and cold ingredients and the potatoes tasted like they were cooked days ago. The Thai dish did not taste of peanuts or Thai spices and was also boring to our taste. We got full but not with any satisfaction. The owner, although a kind lady, did not welcome us or say much, perhaps she is tired or being very calm/anonymous is just her style. The A/C was on but it was still too hot in the cafe/restaurant so we were sweating and hurried to leave. After the long drive and for the 18 euros we had hoped for more. I hope she fixes the quality of food and hospitality as this is a special establishment that we hope will succeed! Update: No, you never asked us about how the food was, that is a simple lie. I gave this review immediately after our visit. You must have exceptionel memory when replying after 1,5 months and remembering better than me. Unfortunately, you did not reply to or indicate that you will handle the main issue - the food. A shame.

  • Anna Pgl

    Anna Pgl


    We really enjoyed are vegan meal here! We tried the vegan Stroganoff and a wrap with beetroot and sweet potato, both delicious. Also, the hummus with yummy homemade crackers.

  • Apoorva Chandra

    Apoorva Chandra


    Being vegans/vegetarians in Montenegro is somewhat tough but Bonjour turned out to be an oasis. Really good vegetarian food with wide variety of options. We tried Indian dal, vegan curry, vegan wrap, vegan protein shake and vegan latte. All of the items tasted really good. We were served with a smile and were provided complimentary parking too. Recommended!

  • Eugenio FMF

    Eugenio FMF


    My favorite place in Tivat for breakfast and lunch Lovely homemade cakes, with vegan and gluten free options. Hot and cold meals are also served, like Buddha bowls, Thai curry, Dhal, vegetarian curry and much more. Cozy atmosphere The only place in Tivat with this choices. Thanks Anna! You must visit!!!

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