Pod Volat i Podgorica

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MontenegroPod Volat



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1, Trg Vojvode Bećira Osmanagića, Podgorica, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 69 618 633
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.4351718, Longitude: 19.2597279

kommentar 5

  • Levent Mustafa Tutluoğlu

    Levent Mustafa Tutluoğlu


    Best restaurant in Podgorica and Montenegro. Good service, very cheap prices, cosy and local atmosphere... Try their traditional Goulash soup or their huge size hamburger and expect a feast. For dessert, I really liked home made baklava Whatever you order you won't be disappointed...

  • RX Ozer

    RX Ozer


    Local restaurant with local guests... Always a good sign. Huge menu, excellent, absolutely delicious and perfectly grilled meat. Low prices, we had a feast for two and it didn't cost us much at all. Highly recommended, our waiter was attentive and quick on his feet. We're going back there tomorrow!

  • Trent Archer

    Trent Archer


    This is pretty much the nicest restaurant in Podgorica. To the best of my knowledge, at least. Stylish, wooden décor and extremely polite, well dressed waiters. For someone from the UK, it's also insanely cheap! I had an omelette for €2, which was very nice. Being so nice, this place does get very busy, though.

  • Vladimir Mushkin

    Vladimir Mushkin


    This is a real Montenegro restaurant for real local people. And it is fantastic. Montenegro is not very rich country. Though it is good for tourists ) But the people here are so open hearted and friendly. In the local restaurants the meals are simple enough, but extremely tasty. And not expensive at all. Pod Volat opened it's door for me every evening in Podgorica. And I really miss their wine, bread and lamb chops. It is a happy moments to be there, watching a lot of good, but hungry, people, drinking and enjoying tasty food. It has a great atmosphere of real life of real people. And I am so glad I was there. Hope to return.

  • Montenegro Tour guide

    Montenegro Tour guide


    Very nice national restaurant at the beautiful location just next to the clock tower in old town of Podgorica. It has excellent food that is prepared in halal way so it is good choice for Muslims that are following their tradition in preparing the food.. love it

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