Las Ramblas i Bar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MontenegroLas Ramblas



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Makedonska, Bar, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 30 200 150
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.0988359, Longitude: 19.0989327

kommentar 5

  • Haris Hodzic

    Haris Hodzic


    Had some grilled calamari 👍👍👍👍wife had pasta 👍👍👍👍 the gentleman that was serving us was great.

  • Viktoria Burchack

    Viktoria Burchack


    Delicious dishes, good location, great staff, reasonable prices, big portions. Highly recommended. We really like this place

  • Kevin Barbour

    Kevin Barbour


    This bar has great atmosphere and occasional live music. Las Ramblas is a classy watering hole for any traveller or local patron. Notably, George and Sasha performed excellent service.

  • Софа Мартинюк

    Софа Мартинюк


    From my point of view, dishes were tasty, but they were too oily for my mates. But I was disappointed because I have ordered one dish, but got another one. Maybe, and I hope so, something has got better since I was there. I completely recommend this place for those people, who are not afraid of oily dishes or getting not their order and would like to try some tasty food.

  • Catinca Dorobanțu

    Catinca Dorobanțu


    The place was awful. Our waiter, after getting our drinks sat at a table with some people and started smoking. We were famished, yet we had to wait for him to finish his cigarette while hanging out w some people before we could order. I waved at him, he looked me in the eye and continued smoking. It took some more time to get our order and then even waaay more time to get the food. When it arrived, it was mediocre at best. I had Paella w seafood (8,5€) and my husband had pancakes w cheese and spinach (4,5€). Very, very unimpressive. They arrived almost cold, even though we were the only people at the restaurant eating (the others were having drinks). Will never come here again.

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