Konoba Velji Mlini i Radanovići

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MontenegroKonoba Velji Mlini



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Radanovici bb, Radanovići 85318, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 32 363 466
internet side: restaurant-38912.business.site
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Latitude: 42.3602085, Longitude: 18.7605018

kommentar 5

  • Imre Szögi

    Imre Szögi


    Very good food and service. We asked for local specialities and the waiter was very helpful. We got nice dish and had a great evening. We went back few days later for some sweets and also was fantastic! When more people are in, the waiting time a bit longer but definietly worth waiting. Portions are big. Highly recommend the place!

  • Nóra Loch-Herke

    Nóra Loch-Herke


    I recommened this place for everyone because of the delicious foods and very friendly service. Everything Was perfect! :)

  • Milan K

    Milan K


    Fantastic dining. Traditional Serbian food. Abundant in quantity and reasonably priced. Highly recommended this place over other touristy places in surrounding areas. Loved the traditional bread basket entree. You will walk away satisfied.

  • Serhiy Sh

    Serhiy Sh


    I would certainly recommend this place to any one. Very nice and tasty restaurant. Excelent service. Friendly atmosphere and staff.

  • Katie Salter

    Katie Salter


    This unassuming restaurant looks small from the outside, but it is beautiful and large inside. They make the most delicious traditional Lamb roasted with potatoes, soft homemade bread and cheese. Our guide in Kotor let us know this is where the locals eat. Awesome experience! PS be sure to pet their cat Stuart on the way out.

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