Free stairs up to the wall i Budva

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MontenegroFree stairs up to the wall


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Budva, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382
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Latitude: 42.2786317, Longitude: 18.8367657

kommentar 3

  • Keluarga Pelancong

    Keluarga Pelancong


    This town is the main tourist spot in Montenegro. So many tourists, especially in summer. Even in the night it's still many people around old town. It's so hard to get a parking spot. Traffic is sometimes horrible. Traffic jam start when we just enter the town. The walled old town is not so big, but so beautiful. Packed with ruins that mingle with shops, hotel, and restaurants. The alleys are so narrow, the windows in mediterran styles. Nice.

  • Lyuben Petrov

    Lyuben Petrov


    The old town of Budva is a very beautiful town with history and architectural landmarks. It is a small but cheerful boulevard and a major town on the Budva Riviera. It is worth considering. Старият град на Будва е един много красив град с история и архитектурни забележителности. Той е малко, но кокетно бужу и основен град на Будвенската Ривиера. Заслужава си да бъде разгледан.

  • nelly lvova

    nelly lvova


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