Feels Like Home - Rooms i Podgorica

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MontenegroFeels Like Home - Rooms


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98, Slobodana Škerovića, 81000, Podgorica, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 69 151 355
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Latitude: 42.4346259, Longitude: 19.2699335

kommentar 5

  • Aljosa Sukara

    Aljosa Sukara


    Great location, walking distance to the downtown bars and nightlife. Amazing hosts, very clean, and right next to the train station. Will definitely return, especially for the figs grown in their front yard!

  • Kristijan Protic

    Kristijan Protic


    Stayed two nights. Neat restaurants/bars near by which is nice. Rooms are very aesthetically pleasing, bathroom is clean with nice soap options. Water and coffee provided in room and when we called for more water they came quickly and brought us extras which was nice (at no extra charge other than I gave a small tip). Bed was comfortable and clean. Would definitely stay again.

  • Iuliana Marchian

    Iuliana Marchian


    The guesthouse is in a good location near the train station. Clean room and shared bathroom with everything you need (soap, shower gel, hot water). I also had access to a fridge in a separate room, which was highly appreciated. There is a gorgeous terrace overlooking the garden. You can park your car in the garden, play with the local cats, it is very quiet.

  • Dominika Gilewska

    Dominika Gilewska


    Little bit hard to find walking from train station. But the owner was so nice that he went out for us, and walked us to the place.

  • Juan Carlos S. Gonzalez

    Juan Carlos S. Gonzalez


    Nice and clean place. The staff were really helpful. I'll use it anytime I come back in town.

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