Cenex Medical i Podgorica

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MontenegroCenex Medical



🕗 åbningstider

18A, Goce Delčeva, 81000, Podgorica, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 67 645 466
internet side: registarfirmi.me
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.4422479, Longitude: 19.2813926

kommentar 5

  • Vladan Micunovic

    Vladan Micunovic


    Service 0 for the surgeon's examination, we waited 1 hour, which is below the level of all underdeveloped countries, and the prices are astronomical, the expertise of the doctor is also questionable, I really would not recommend this clinic to anyone.

  • Bojan Cg

    Bojan Cg


    Service and friendliness below the level of the worst state clinics. If you want to wait in line, just like in KBC, and pay a lot, then feel free to choose this call clinic. You have to wait, was the only thing that the unkind person in the form of a nurse said after half an hour of waiting, with the addition that she really didn't know how much longer we would have to wait. Everything that should have cost a lot of money with them, was completed in another office for 0 euros. And much more important than the price is the 0-minute wait compared to the agreed appointment, the extremely kind and professional attitude of all employees.

  • Aleks Ej

    Aleks Ej


    Disgusted by the fact that they gave information to n.n person about what and how much I worked in their clinic. I don't think we need to go any further

  • Ceca Djukic

    Ceca Djukic


    Dr. Fatic is extremely professional, it's a pity that we don't have more such doctors, sister Jovana is pleasant and always ready to meet patients.

  • Branko Merdovic

    Branko Merdovic


    Extremely negative experience, starting with the specialist doctor who was very arrogant, and also the rest of the support staff who, to say the least, were not of any help or use.

nærmeste Hospital

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