A medic - Plastična i estetska hirurgija i Podgorica

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MontenegroA medic - Plastična i estetska hirurgija



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Beogradska 24E, Podgorica 81000, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 68 221 100
internet side: www.amedic.me
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.4426728, Longitude: 19.2692479

kommentar 5

  • Martina Šofranac

    Martina Šofranac


    I am very satisfied with the results. Dr. Celebic-Bozovic has a keen sense of aesthetics and a lot of experience. The entire team is very friendly and professional.

  • Robanya



    If you can’t speak local language don’t bother to call them Will be a hard NO for your good morning Although if you will call multiple times they will tell you that they will call you in one hour , so they can speak English ,just I guess too lazy to bother ?..

  • karolina aligrudic

    karolina aligrudic


    Zadovoljstvo je bilo sarađivati ​​sa njima. Profesionalnost i usluga su na nivou svjetskih klinika. Sve vrijeme od ulaska u sobu sestre su bile preljubazne, a da ne spominjem ljubaznost i profesionalnost doktorice Aleksandre Božović Čelebić. Kliniku bih preporučila svojim najbližima i svim ljudima koji vole da vode računa o sebi. I had breast augmentation at the "A medic" clinic. The hospitality and professionalism of the nurses as well as that of Doctor Aleksandra Božović Čelebić is to be specified. I was extremely well received, Doctor Božović Čelebić was particularly understanding to each of my requests, she did a remarkable job, the operation went very well and my postoperative follow-up too. I highly recommend !

  • Ibrahim



    Maybe their surgeons are good I didn't get the opportunity to assess that but what I got the opportunity to evaluate is their horrible Communication. talking back and forth for more than 3 months. they never called me back the say they will call back but most of the time the don't. taking an appointment is redundant because they are always late and always not on time, I had high hopes but fortunately I realised a bit late that I should look elsewhere. they make you feel unimportant. and if a docter doesnt care about your time then he/she is not worth your money. Look elsewere. And one more thing they're overpriced.

  • Svetlana Anicic

    Svetlana Anicic


    If you want to restore your self-confidence, to be happy and satisfied with your appearance, then come to A medic. My personal experience is that what you wanted to change about yourself will be done by an extremely professional and kind team led by Dr. Aleksandra Božović Čelebić. Professionalism is at a high level. And when you leave this beautifully furnished space satisfied, they will see you off as a member of their big family. Really, in one word, they are PERFECT

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