Adventures park Lovćen i Cetinje

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MontenegroAdventures park Lovćen


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Ivanova korita bb National park Lovćen Cetinje, Cetinje 81250, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 69 543 156
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Latitude: 42.382286, Longitude: 18.834104

kommentar 5

  • Milic Radibratovic

    Milic Radibratovic


    Best park, nature and obstacles ever... I wont mention staff, all PRO!

  • Hillary Murphy

    Hillary Murphy


    Great Ariel course not too far from Kotor bay. Up a mountain and in the middle of a forest the views are stunning. The facility and staff are great and professional. One word of warning, the toilet is a dirty whole in the ground. Those who have not been to China will not come across many squatting toilets, especially in Europe so this could be a shock!

  • Ivan Montenegro

    Ivan Montenegro


    Bila sam tamo. Super vam je. Morate da ga posjetite

  • bs

    Ana Lakic


    Odlicna zabava za djecu i odrasle, zanimljivo osmišljeno u veoma lijepom ambijentu!

  • Marko Žeravica

    Marko Žeravica


    The best way during the summer to escape from the heat on the coast! Perfect temperature and of course great plan of the routes between the trees!

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