Restaurant Or'O в Žabljak

ЧерногорияRestaurant Or'O



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Njegoševa, Žabljak, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 406 210
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.1549536, Longitude: 19.1202369

Комментарии 5

  • Vadim Belov

    Vadim Belov


    The dish was pretty good. Interior design is interesting, the overall level is pretty high. Most of the time you need to book a day in advance. The table (for 2 people) was too narrow. Service was good, but in other restaurants in the town I liked the service more.

  • Dr. Cobi Ivghi

    Dr. Cobi Ivghi


    Excellent restaurant, very good service, the tomato soup wasn't to our taste and it was immediately changed by other soup. The veal soup was good, the main courses were all very good, we ordered trout that was very tasty, and veal Durmitor was soft and real good. Chocolate cake was amassing. All the food was of high quality and very nice. Prices was surprising in their non expensive rates. Highly recommend.

  • isidora milic

    isidora milic


    If I could give it a 0 I would! First of all, tomato soup was cold, potatoes look taste and feel like they were made 7 days ago and just Microwaved all over again. The risotto with vegetables was so bland and had absolutely no taste, it was overmicrowaved so the entire thing was very mushy. The lamb was okay but god forbid the rest. And it wasn’t even busy for them to serve meals like this. Restaurants with 3 stars or any other restaurants shouldn’t be allowed to OWN A MICROWAVE! Obviously not servers fault but it is cooks!

  • Veronika Tiringer

    Veronika Tiringer


    We had a lovely lunch in Or'O last Friday. We ate trout and vegetable stuffed paprika and both dishes were fantastic. Coffee was lovely as well. I highly recommend this place to eat. Service was okay.

  • Chris New York

    Chris New York


    If we could rate 4.5 stars we would give it. Went twice to this place because it was so good, although the second day was more disappointing. We tried the chicken mushroom (5*), kacamak (5*), goulash (4*), Durmitor veal (3.5*), shopska salad (5*). The terrace is wonderful with sunny weather. In our opinion this is likely the best restaurant in small town Zabljak.

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