Restaurant eko piva в Plužine

ЧерногорияRestaurant eko piva



🕗 время открытия

bb, Baja Pivljanina, 81435, Plužine, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 635 412
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.157245, Longitude: 18.8458294

Комментарии 5

  • Brandon BP

    Brandon BP


    The other reviews are true. The waiters don't like tourists and are rude. We just wanted to buy drinks and leave but the woman told is we had to get a table. So I read the reviews here saying they take forever to serve customers and we left. The restaurant is losing money by not letting people buy things. If they go broke I hope the owners see that it's because they hire lazy, rude people.

  • Ксения Яшинина

    Ксения Яшинина


    Good food for honest price! Recommend!

  • kik cgs

    kik cgs


    Been there just for the restaurant. Nice food, nice staff, nice price.

  • Danilo Bozovic

    Danilo Bozovic


    I must say that this experience has been one of the most dynamic, relaxing and joy fulfilling. The people here are so hostile, especially Marija and Zeljko, very kind and welcoming, always with a smile on their face, very personable and If you're looking for any recommendation on what to do, they will guide you step by step. There are numerous hiking trails, horse riding, lake cruising, zip line. The food is phenomenal, all the ingredients are fresh and served in a timely manner. Oh, let me not forget, "smočeni kačamak" is something that you must try If you're a fan of potatoes & cheese. Zip line experience with Zeljko was extraordinary, he communicates the instructions very clearly and If you're not adrenaline junkie but looking to get out of the "comfort zone", he'll make it fun and smooth for you to not have to worry about anything. Prices are also fair.

  • Michał Szubert

    Michał Szubert


    Rating the restaurant, had no opportunity to stay in the hotel, as we were just passing by on route to Mratinje. The food was delicious, i know what i'm saying- I love to eat ;) I never leave the plate unfinnished, but this time i didn't manage... the portions were enormous, all that for a really fair price. The staff was very kind and helpfull. I can strongly recommend the place.

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