Puerta Principal o Puerta del Mar в Kotor

ЧерногорияPuerta Principal o Puerta del Mar


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Kotor, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4247131, Longitude: 18.7697448

Комментарии 5

  • Jurerat Kongkiattiwong

    Jurerat Kongkiattiwong


    Old town is well preserved by UNESCO. The clock tower is leaning similar to Pisa leaning tower in Italy. In front of the belly tower has the pyramids shape like metal, that is a hall of Shame to embarrass people hi did something wrong at that time. It is worst than being in jail at that time. The street name here is based on Number as they are afraid that they may forget some important names of people. There are one restaurants with the water pipe, that one is called gossip square as housewives in the past were there to get water and washes clothes. The cathedral was a mix between catholic and Orthodox Church as they worked collaboratively to fight against Ottoman Empire. On the second floor of the church, you will find many relics.

  • Kenneth Koh

    Kenneth Koh


    The armoury square cos of its proximity to the Arsenal which is behind the northeast wall. These walls in the northwest is the strongest and thickest as it was where the naval attack will be likely to come. This building was mostly destroyed during the 1667 earthquake, only the ground floor is the original

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  • it

    Luca Greco


    Città fortificata all'interno di una baia che ad un occhio poco attento potrebbe sembrare un lago alpino. L'accesso alla baia avviene attraverso un passaggio molto stretto che non ha nulla da invidiare ai fiordi norvegesi. Al centro della baia, di fronte alla città di Perasto, ci sono due isolette di cui una, San Giorgio, ospita una Chiesa Secolare. L'urbe sorge in fondo alla baia ed è caratterizzato da un costrutto medievale con presenza di molte chiese romaniche tra cui la cattedrale del Cattaro, la chiesa di San Nicole e quella di San Luca. Inoltre è presente il museo marittimo e costituisce uno dei porti di attracco delle navi da crociera.

  • de

    Jens Schmäh


    Schöne Altstadt/empfehlenswert auch für ein Tagesausflug von Dubrovnik

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