Post office 80000 EXPRESS (EMS) в Podgorica

ЧерногорияPost office 80000 EXPRESS (EMS)



🕗 время открытия

C7MC+J22, Podgorica, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4340181, Longitude: 19.2700306

Комментарии 5

  • radoje ristic

    radoje ristic


    An institution that is a nuisance for the state. If one dirty and untidy space is ignored, the next thing you encounter is rude, nervous and semi-literate staff who cannot give you any information about what you are interested in and why they are there. There is also and one contact phone for information that is never answered. Certain packages are delivered only on Saturdays, that is, one day a week (weekends) where if you do not call immediately, after that you do not have to call the courier because he will not call you, so you have to go to pick up the package yourself. No one informs you about the return of packages that they were not delivered and I had a lot of them that arrived at their place after tracking and I never received them (neither the shipment nor information about it) and it is very debatable what happens to them...

  • Jelica Medojevic

    Jelica Medojevic


    If they are delivering your package, they give you 2-3 minutes to collect it. If you, by any chance, are not home (god forbid you work on some other location or have a shower or doing anything else that stops you from responding immediately), they are not willing to give you extra time "We have other packages to deliver!" That means going to their utilities next day. And this could be solved really easy: contacting the receiver at least 30 minutes before expected delivery. But why bother organizing anything when you can just go with the flow and pass the responsibility to someone else? Collecting the package at their utilities is not a pleasant experience either. Let's skip the cleanliness part (which shouldn't be neglected even though it is post-Covid time) and let's try to justify it with the phrases like "old building made out of materials that appear like dirty although they are cleaned" or "the railway station is close" or any other excuse. Let's neglect that the workers are not smiling because that is not a sign of lack of rudness. However, interrupting a customer is a sign of rudeness. Lack of willingness to listen to the customer is also a sign of rudeness. Saying "Not possible" for suggestion is also not the most polite thing to say to the customer.

  • Tom Kruiz

    Tom Kruiz


    Terrible. Staff rude. For 5 minutes, I called for a young woman who works at the counter to come.

  • Stefan M

    Stefan M


    Dirty and messy. The staff is nervous and, as a rule, only one counter works. For overdue goods, which are not subject to taxation and customs duties, they arbitrarily charge fees that are not defined by law.

  • Zlatko Raicevic

    Zlatko Raicevic


    There are many, but there are people everywhere on whom the organization of work does not depend... The cat happens to be there... Scanning the parcels...

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