Kod Saičića i Rafailovići

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MontenegroKod Saičića



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Rafailovići, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 69 728 668
internet side: kod-saicica.business.site
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Latitude: 42.2801304, Longitude: 18.8818769

kommentar 5

  • Nickita Lonovenko

    Nickita Lonovenko


    The best place I have seen in Rafailovichy and Budva. Fish and shrimps were delicious 😋! And homemade wine was something not from this planet. And atmosphere was like you at home.

  • Robert McGrory

    Robert McGrory


    Nice place, although I did not eat anything fancy, what we ate was very nice, there home made wine was the best we had in Montenegro. However, not the place to go to of you want to stay out late, we felt like we were intruding when it got to 22.00.

  • Dana Petrusevschi

    Dana Petrusevschi


    Lovely place, absolutely superb when everything around it is in bloom. Really good cooking, simple and tasty dishes. Love the service and attitude! And the prices are decent, perhaps even small for the volume and quality of the provided food! We enjoyed it a lot!

  • Олексiй Савостьянов

    Олексiй Савостьянов


    Food is really tasty and price is quite affordable. Restaurant offers a set menu for 6 euros: one of several main courses (chicken, veal or pork meat), soup and salad. We came here several times and every time meal was perfect. The size of one meal was so big that two sets were enough for three persons. The service here is provided in English, Russian and Serbian languages.

  • Victoria Batarchuk

    Victoria Batarchuk


    We took dorada, sea bass, Shopsky salad and 0.5 l of homemade white wine. All these costed 30 euro. Very tasty, though too much oil. Dorada has more tender meat. We also tried chorba soup and palachinki. Very good. Service is much better than in coast-side cafes.

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