Hotel Splendid Conference And Spa Resort в Budva

ЧерногорияHotel Splendid Conference And Spa Resort



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Bečići bb, Budva 85310, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 33 773 777
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.2818889, Longitude: 18.8658971

Комментарии 5

  • en

    Rade Milić


    Perfect hotel. Beautiful interior, good food, useful staff...

  • Pavle Raickovic

    Pavle Raickovic


    Prelijep hotel, luksuzan smjestaj, odlican bazen, jos ljepsa plaza. Ima kafic na bazenu i konobari donose pice i hranu do lezaljki. Beautiful hotel and luxurious accommodation, great pool, even better beach. There's a caffe/bar at the pool where waiters serve while you are laying on easy chairs.

  • en

    Rune Bergersen


    Magic. The staff is very god at service and the hotell has very Nice meals

  • aspiringArtist [AA]

    aspiringArtist [AA]


    A very nice hotel. It was clean and the staff were friendly and helpful. The food, rooms, spa and pool were all great. I honestly have almost nothing negative to say. But the only thing that was mildly annoying was the fact that they take away your car and they put it in a garage so that every time you want to go somewhere with it, you have to wait for them to take it out of the garage. Otherwise, it's all great and I would like to visit again.

  • Studio LASSO

    Studio LASSO


    Located in the small town of Bečići in Montenegro, Splendid Conference & SPA Resort was opened in 2006 as the first 5 stars hotel on the eastern coast of the Adriatic sea. Hotel Splendid is situated 2 kilometers from the tourism capital of Montenegro - Budva - right at the seafront, with its own private beach. The hotel has 322 superior rooms, most of them with sea view, as well as 4 Junior and 13 Wellness suites, a Penthouse and a Presidential suite for VIP guests. Our hotel has four bars and three restaurants of different cuisines, the largest SPA centre in Montenegro and the Casino Royal. Splendid Conference & SPA Resort has the largest conference venue in Montenegro. The venue can host up to 800 people. Hotel Splendid offers several modern halls and syndicate rooms with beautiful decoration and all the necessary technical equipment, suitable for business events, but also for weddings, gala dinners or family celebrations.

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