Hotel PAVLOVIĆ в Žabljak

ЧерногорияHotel PAVLOVIĆ



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37, Narodnih Heroja, 84220, Žabljak, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 693 203
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.1624337, Longitude: 19.1377537

Комментарии 5

  • Joel Yoyakkim

    Joel Yoyakkim


    Great place to stay right by the main highway, with a good restaurant.

  • Anca Gregorius

    Anca Gregorius


    Very lovely, very quaint and rustic hotel. The apartment was roomy and comfortable, even tho the bed was not my preference but I guess it's a personal issue. The staff very nice and friendly, especially the young gentleman at the reception. He helped us resolve an issue, even tho it had nothing to do with him. He really went out of his way and I'd like to thank him for that. Location is perfect, close by the durmitor national park.

  • david burstein

    david burstein


    We took a room for 3 adults, it was not fit for 3 adults, since the third person needs to sleep on the sofa which is near the kitchen and the bathroom, so if anyone wants to go to the bathroom in the night, you will probably wake up. The bathroom is with the shower, and it is very very small. There is no soap or shampoo. Furthermore, the service was horrible. First they took our passports, because they needed a copy for the authorities, but they do not have a scanner, so they can not give us the passports back until our departure. Fortunately, we had a copy so we gave them in return for our passports. Moreover, when we got our rooms they were not prepared, the stove did not work (was fixed immediately), and there were no sheets and towels for the person sleeping on the sofa, we asked three times to bring them before they decided to bring us the sheets and the towels. It is note worthy that the breakfast is medicore at best, because of the low variety of products offered and the cold food, which suppose to be warm (they do not have heating pad), like sussages and omelet.

  • Novelja Korac

    Novelja Korac


    The rooms were clean, very comfortable, and the staff was amazing and more than willing to help with any request we had. Breakfast was a great mixture of local dairy and meat products and awesome pastries. Guys at the bar make a very good coffee! :)

  • Ofer Peled

    Ofer Peled


    The hotel is wonderfully maintained, the reception and restaurant staff are smiling and ready to help with any questions. We stayed one night, a group of 25 people and all the rooms were spacious clean and well maintained. The price was very fair. The hotel staff (partly) were fluent in English. The rooms were in the back side so they were quiet, far from the road. The breakfast was excellent and included a very wide range of options

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