Hostel Hikers Den в Žabljak

ЧерногорияHostel Hikers Den



🕗 время открытия

18, Vuka Karadžića, 84220, Žabljak, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 67 854 433
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 43.1544341, Longitude: 19.1240215

Комментарии 5

  • Keith Chichester

    Keith Chichester


    Ideal for anyone looking to explore Durmitor or the surrounding nature. Staff were full of god recs both locally and across the region. Good prices and comfortable beds.

  • R tT

    R tT


    Very well located and the hosts offer information about the hiking trails. Though the vibes of the hosts were not very friendly, really short in answers and made me not feel free to ask a question. But they do know the trails so that’s a good thing. They offer a transfer to Sadlo and can brief you about trails. But if you’re a early hiker, be aware. The transfer is at 9;00… Mostly which makes me not want to go back is the price. It is really overpriced compared to other guesthouses in the area where you can get private rooms with kitchen and private bathroom for the same price or even less. Also the prices are not the same as the website says but far more expensive.. Nice place to meet people and hike with other travelers but don’t expect too much and ready your wallet ;)

  • Ayal Weiner-Kaplow

    Ayal Weiner-Kaplow


    The best environment I’ve experienced in a hostel, hands down. Alex and Stephan are exceptional hosts who care about the guests and provide great advice. They have extra hiking boots to borrow if needed. Well equipped kitchen.

  • Ronald B

    Ronald B


    Hostel with basic bathroom and showers. Furthermore great; well equipped kitchen, nice communal terrace for drinks and bites (bring your own) with the other guests. Most important: great suggestions for hikes and activities by Alex and Stephan. Both interesting and very kind hosts. Very recommendable!

  • Jack PD

    Jack PD


    Amazing hostel. The facilities and location are all great, but Alex makes it a truly unique experience. He ensures you get the most out of your stay based on your timeline, ability and the weather. Can't recommend it enough. If you're unsure about going to Durmitor, you definitely should since Alex will help remove any doubts or questions

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