Holiday Home Lake в Cetinje

ЧерногорияHoliday Home Lake



🕗 время открытия

Cerov Pod, 81250, Cetinje, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 67 566 107
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.3494384, Longitude: 19.1511842

Комментарии 5

  • Nikola Ćorac

    Nikola Ćorac


    beautiful nature! house is great, clean, the rooms are clean, the view is beautiful!!!. the bathroom is really wonderful, with many details, just to stay forever

  • Gsmboxes Gsm

    Gsmboxes Gsm


    So close to my town and undetected. Me, my wife and children enjoyed, Alexander drove us by boat, and it will remain an unforgettable experience (so many beautiful places we saw, beautiful nature, swimming on the beach, birds…. and we will always be happy to return

  • Emir Zekovic

    Emir Zekovic


    The house is in a nice place, very clean and nicely decorated, and is located above the lake. The host is very kind. Nature is extraordinary. The host drove us by boat around the lake, showed us all the sights of the area and we spent the whole day cruising at a very affordable price. I would recommend this vacation to anyone.

  • Milica Pjanovic

    Milica Pjanovic


    All of our expectations are fully met. We enjoyed the wonderful nature and peace that this house offers with its location. The homeowner was arranging a lake ride and roasting in nature on a beautiful little beach, the children were enjoying it, and we were adults too. The house has everything uncomfortable and more than that and the host is very kind. We will certainly be back again.

  • Dzevad Kukuljac

    Dzevad Kukuljac


    Beautiful house, modernly arranged, neat and clean. The owner of the house is very kind and available at all time. Alexander drove us with his boat, and we ate, we ate tasty fish from the lake in Karuc, swam on the beach, and the children were enjoying. The homeowner has taken care of us. In the house you can have espresso coffee, ness coffee,turkish coffee,tea , water, all in large quantity and completely free of charge. There is also a mini bar with well-chosen wines, bears , juices, other drunks at affordable prices. We were in the afternoon on the terrace of the house, under the sunshade. Everything was perfect.

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