Hard Rock Cafe в Podgorica

ЧерногорияHard Rock Cafe


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1, Cetinjska, 81000, Podgorica, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 20 226 992
Веб-сайт: www.hardrockcafe.com
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.44101, Longitude: 19.2436601

Комментарии 5

  • Mia shawol

    Mia shawol


    Lovely place and nice music in the background as usual for Hard rock 🤘 Burger was delicious and loved the cocktail 🍸 for the prices it's bit more expensive than other restaurants in Podgorica

  • mayahermani



    My first time to Montenegro and to my surprise our hotel is just next to this Hard Rock outlet. Food and service is top notch and the waiter is very friendly too. Went to shop at the Rock Shop, sadly this very last outlet (they used to have another 2 at Budva and Kotor) will be closing down so there were crazy everything must-go sale of up to 80% of almost all items. As a result we shop like there’s no tomorrow 2 full bags in total. I would definitely come again for second and maybe last dining experience at this hard rock before flying off home.




    My first visit to a Hard Rock in over 20 years. Whilst here in Podgorica I really wanted to eat some American style spicy wings. After doing some research on reviews Hard Rock came up top. I went along, let’s start by saying the restaurant is in a nice area, you are warmly greeted as you enter. I went on a Monday evening and it was empty. So I ordered the wings and chose spicy. Not sure what the sauce was but it certainly wasn’t spicy and the wings were over cooked and really not enjoyable. For my main I had the chicken you can see in the picture. Again not very tasty. I think it is fair to say it will be over 20 years till I visit another Hard Rock again if the food is this poor.

  • Mustafa Kemal Takal

    Mustafa Kemal Takal


    Hard Rock Cafe Podgorica is located in a very good place. Very clean and not so crowded. Foods are delicious. I liked the Duo Combo Fajita, mini burgers and Nachos.

  • Jovan Radnic

    Jovan Radnic


    Hard Rock is a great choice if you're looking to taste American food served in gigantic proportions. The staff is really cool and friendly. Tupelo chicken is tender and the sauces that come with it are simply amazing and the dish is really well thought out - the spicy sauce is perfectly countered by the rich creamy one. Tupelo all the way! Wings come with a nice creamy sauce with gorgonzola and if you're a wingman/woman yourself as well, you'll love these. And then, my absolute favourite - carrot cake! It's just so moist and tastes like all the sweet dreams! I come here sometimes just to have this cake. That's how special it is!

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