Franca в Skaljari




🕗 время открытия

CQ87+8V6, Skaljari, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4157905, Longitude: 18.7646427

Комментарии 5

  • Andy Beth Miller

    Andy Beth Miller


    Watched clerk taking her smoke break before opening, while customers waited for store to open … 10 minutes late, only to not be able to purchase the item I came for when I brought it to the register because it was in the shelf to be sold, but not in the system priced apparently. That’s really bad customer service :/. *also, I used to go every day to buy melons.. the last several times I have gone in to do so, the only melons are rotten, with numerous bad spots far past selling time. Left without buying... sad display.

  • Nick Lasure

    Nick Lasure


    Decent selection but very rude staff. They were all yelling at us with 10 minutes before closing that we had to leave. We had our things collected and paid with 3 minutes to go but wow. Cashier even yelled at my wife, won’t be back.

  • Adriana Neacsu

    Adriana Neacsu


    Dear travellers and dear managers, I had the worst experience at your supermarket, because today, when I went shopping there, I paid with my credit card The amount of 39.66 Euros, The cashiere gave ME just The receipt from The POS and she refused to give ME The receipt with my product. I've asked her why and she argued that her computer îs blocked and she can not give ME my receipt, just Take The products and GO. I was suspicious about The amount and I said that I Will wait. Meanwhile, she was faking that she is asking some collegues to come and help her, speaking in her language, I couldn't understand anything, but waiting there I saw at The computer screen a position with some products, that I have not bought from The market, The amount of 4,50 Euros. Than I realized that I have been frauded. I asked to talk to The manager, but all The cashieres said that this îs not possible. I was pretty much în a hurry, I said to Them that this îs not nice at all, they gave ME The difference of 4.50 Euros and live The place. I could GO to The Police but my Time was very limited. I travel pretty much around The world, but what happened here, never happened to ME anywhere else în The world. So, I give you just one star for your market because of this ugly incident. I Will tell everybody of what happened and not shopping from you. And by The way, Franca means honest,...funny thing... The employees of Franca are not honest People at all.

  • Luka



    Well. Normal supermarket. If you need a lower price don' go there. If you need some quality meat I recommend this. "Aroma" market is on 150 meters away from "Franca" Markets. Its lower price but "Franca" have better meat quality.

  • Harri Ojanen

    Harri Ojanen


    First the staff was very rude. Did not even say hello for answer. They follow us all the time when we collect the groceries. And the best on the all we have to open our small hanbags for them when we was in cash buying things. We did not have anything in bags! Cash those three ladys! talk with athors and make our shopping ready was them second important after us. We never go that Franca anymore. We found better and cheaper market. It is little far away, but We can carry our shopping this month what We stay here Kotor.

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