Ethno Village Montenegro i Доња Брезна

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MontenegroEthno Village Montenegro



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XWMJ+5W5, Доња Брезна, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 67 209 049
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.9828981, Longitude: 18.9323696

kommentar 5

  • Gaia Manukian

    Gaia Manukian


    Visited restaurant - three times ( there is no place around to eat 😅 opened at holidays) Enjoyed a lot! Delicious shopski salad ( it is literally best shopski we tried around Montenegro and Serbia), enjoyed our grilled vegetables and pasta as well. Portions are huge and delicious. Always welcoming staff. It was a pleasure to spend time at your location. Definitely will be back one day :)

  • Bjorn



    Went here with a rally. It was an overnight campsite. Very nice people who run this village. Nice cold beers, hamburgers tasted good.

  • Nina Radonjić

    Nina Radonjić


    I went there with friends and kids in summer time and we had such an amazing time there. Such a beautiful place for children. Accommodation is super cozy, food is domestic and tasty but ambient is highest quality of this place. We had few situations with lacking electricity and water for a while but i will definitely come back again.

  • Irina Chevichelova

    Irina Chevichelova


    We are there right now. We are impressed by such a beautiful place, with very fresh air, great sights, comfortable accomodation and very tasty quisine! As I found out this place has a strong energy. Many yoga schools choose it for the yoga retreats. Local restaurant serves great dishes! Tasty burek, pasta, meat and rusprerry drink. You should try them all!

  • Nikola Vukasovic

    Nikola Vukasovic


    This is an amazing village! Pleasant and hospitable hosts, great food, beautifull nature. There are also many points of interest nearby. I will definitely go there again, and recommend anyone to visit.

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