Central Park Montenegro i Bar

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MontenegroCentral Park Montenegro



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Topolica II, 4422+62F, Bar 85000, Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 68 003 344
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 42.100569, Longitude: 19.10004

kommentar 5

  • Zaferullah Yildirim

    Zaferullah Yildirim


    Nice place

  • Oleh Derevenko

    Oleh Derevenko


    A restaurant offering a wide menu of pastas, pizzas, risotto, sandwiches, wraps and pitas, some meats, some seafood. Alas, my grilled squid with vegetables had tentacles mostly burnt and that does not characterise local cook as a good one. Other than that the dish was edible and OK. There are outdoors sestings as well as places inside.

  • Lily Vygon

    Lily Vygon


    Great place! Tasty food, big portions, nice music and atmosphere. My favourite in Bar :)

  • meto odobasic

    meto odobasic


    Very nice caffe with good offer and very fast service. Espresso is fantastic its Lavazza blend. They have a nice open space working mostly whole year. Food is also very nice, so you can miss this place if you are for a quick bite pr coffee break.

  • Jovan Jerkov

    Jovan Jerkov


    Good place, great food, cheap prices, greatest staff. 😀

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