Cathedral of Saint Tryphon в Kotor

ЧерногорияCathedral of Saint Tryphon


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Kotor, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 32 336 242
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4241773, Longitude: 18.7713754

Комментарии 5

  • Pat L

    Pat L


    The view from the outside is all you need to see, it’s impressive against the mountain. The inside is nothing special comparing to other churchs in Europe. I feel the entrance fee is so commercialized the experience of entering a church. Save your euros and skip going inside.

  • Jurerat Kongkiattiwong

    Jurerat Kongkiattiwong


    A combination of orthodox and cathartic church that shows the harmony of the two church at that time as they fight against Ottoman Empire. The second floor has many relics the church received from many sailors at that time. Worth visiting the second floor as there is one important relic of one saint that is locked in a nice case.

  • Kenneth Koh

    Kenneth Koh


    Interesting church dedicated to Saint Tryphon whose severed head was brought to this town in a silver chest. You can see the chest in the cathedral but only the Pope can allow entry into the chamber. The facade has 2 towers with different height with different architecture mainly because they were built or reconstructed during different period and damaged by earthquake. The interior of the church is also unique mixture fresco (which is mainly used by orthodox) and framed painting (which is used by Catholics), demonstrating the peaceful coexistence between the 2 religion in this small town. The altar has a beautiful stone ornament depicting the life of St Tryphon, as well as a relief of saints in gold and silver

  • D.A.



    This impressive Catholic church dates back from the 12th century and it is probably the most striking building in the Kotor Bay area, not only for the history but for the fascinating frescos and other religious relics including gold and silver items.

  • George On tour

    George On tour


    Kotor's most impressive building, this Catholic cathedral was consecrated in the 12th century but reconstructed after several earthquakes. When the entire frontage was destroyed in 1667, the baroque bell towers were added; the left one remains unfinished.

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