Caffe L'angolo в Cetinje

ЧерногорияCaffe L'angolo



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33, Njegoševa, 81250, Cetinje, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 69 985 986
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.3871085, Longitude: 18.9260964

Комментарии 5

  • Magdalena Gronkowska

    Magdalena Gronkowska


    DON'T GO HERE IF YOU ARE A TOURIST. On Friday, March 30, I encountered an unpleasant situation - I wanted to order a Cappuccino, which supposedly cost 2 euros, and drink it outside. I asked about the menu, I got the information that they do not have one either on the card or in the premises at least on some board. I ordered a Cappuccino, which was made in a paper cup, the staff claimed I ordered a takeaway even though I said nothing of the sort. I received the coffee in a cup without sugar, spoons, napkins. After paying, I didn't even get a receipt and the money I gave the barista put it down on the counter. I asked for a receipt because something didn't sit right with me - with great resentment the other barista went to scoop the coffee on the cash register - he covered the screen in front of me so I couldn't see what he was doing. I flashed the price of a cappuccino for 1.30 euros, however, I got a receipt for 2 euros: a "mix" was added. The cashier explained that it was a charge for a paper cup (😂) which is some kind of absurdity. Other customers were given coffee in a cup with sugar and extra water. There was a brazen attempt to cheat me. Because I detected the fraud, the cashier rolled his eyes and gave me back 0.7 euros. This is not a large amount, however, it is about principles and respect for the customer. Service people brazenly try to cheat tourists. Throughout my stay in Montenegro I treated the locals with respect and try to adapt to the rules of the country. Unfortunately, as you can see, you can not expect this in return from everyone. 1 star for good coffee.

  • Dejan Jovicevic

    Dejan Jovicevic


    Fantastic coffee (Hausbrandt), great atmosphere, super friendly stuff.

  • Tetiana Antoniak

    Tetiana Antoniak


    Hot chocolate is highly recommended

  • Sal Schmidt

    Sal Schmidt


    Wonderful cafe in beautiful Cetinje, the old royal capital of Montenegro. We enjoyed our daily visits for the best cappuccino in town over our 10 day stay. We loved stopping in for a chat with the friendly owners and learning all about the nearby sites and talking about our travels. After our first coffee it definitely became our favourite coffee shop in Cetinje. We were completely overwhelmed by their kindness and friendliness, a special thank you for giving us our daily coffee fix.

  • Danilo Rakocevic

    Danilo Rakocevic


    Very good shade on a very hot day. Excellent domestic coffee. You can park a car in front of bar.

Кафе поблизости

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