Belette Apartments & Park i Nikšić

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MontenegroBelette Apartments & Park



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117, Vuka Karadžića, 81400, Nikšić, ME Montenegro
kontakter telefon: +382 68 221 267
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Latitude: 42.7752588, Longitude: 18.9695147

kommentar 5

  • Sárándi Ákos

    Sárándi Ákos


    The owner is a very nice guy, I were here twice with motorbike. Its good if you are on the way to Durmitor, or you came from there. A large store is nearby where you can buy pretty much everything. He builds it himself, so it's not a hotel quality, but you can definitely can feel he built his soul to it. Keep it going! I recommend the place :)

  • Allard Huizinga

    Allard Huizinga


    Great stay, nice appartement, good wifi and nice tv. Good for last minute booking, Marko stays at the plot and gives you a welcome

  • Josip Motik

    Josip Motik


    Beautiful atmosphere! Amazing, helpful and friendly staff and owners. Hearty breakfast, enormous and tasty. Very very clean and cozy. This place and friends I made there, make Nikšić my second hometown

  • marcam 998

    marcam 998


    Couldn’t have been better. Apartment was beautiful and equipped with everything I needed (and lots of lovely touches / local design).Marko was very helpful and the location was great.

  • Helmuth



    Very nice place!! Have been here now 3 times. Very hospitable owner.

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