Aparthotel Monterria в Бар

ЧерногорияAparthotel Monterria



🕗 время открытия

Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
15a, Гаврила Принципа, 85000, Бар, ME Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 68 839 246
Веб-сайт: apart-hotel-monterria.business.site
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.112854, Longitude: 19.0923557

Комментарии 5

  • Miroslav Spisic

    Miroslav Spisic



  • Татьяна Александрова

    Татьяна Александрова


    The hostess is very greedy, she will not allow turning on the boiler, washing only with permission in the garage and a maximum of 40g, she took out my underwear herself and put it in a bag outside the garage door, it is clear that she saves on everything. She didn’t allow me to throw out the garbage in my trash he said to go carry it to a common place somewhere far away. I had to throw it away to a neighbor, I didn’t find a garbage dump ((With a scandal, I returned part of the deposit 50 euros, I didn’t return it, she said she didn’t have it anymore, in five days instead of 20s / day it turned out 150s. God be her judge, I had to urgently look for other housing with a small child I think if my husband was with us, she returned everything, being frightened of problems. I strongly advise against staying for a long time. Very unpleasant, untidy woman when it comes to money and saving, first made a good impression, the room is clean, the only plus. I don't recommend contacting

  • Bo Dzierwa

    Bo Dzierwa


    We were staying here for over a week. The owners as lovely. Very helpful. They picked us up from the airport. They've found out about activities we were interested in. They've offered drop and collect service. Wifi working. Very close to the shops and to the centre. Room and bathroom were super clean.

  • Екатерина Цумерова

    Екатерина Цумерова


    My favorite place in Montenegro is the city of Bar. For the third time I come here to Olya and Sergey, my compatriots, hospitable hosts, very active people. They will always tell you where to go, where, what to buy, help with a transfer, and even organize an excursion to the mountains or to neighboring states, and not expensive. Sergey will cook a chic barbecue or wonderful seafood that will be no worse than in expensive restaurants, and probably even better. The city has the ancient fortress of Bar, which is included in the UNESCO heritage list, the olive tree, which is 2000 years old, the palace of the kings right on the seashore, an amusement park on the coast and of course the Adriatic Sea. There are several hypermarkets where you can buy food very inexpensively, and the local market has various types of fish and seafood from local lakes and the sea. I come here as if I were at home. 2 times came by car and of course got a lot of pleasure from the surrounding nature, canyons, mountain rivers and lakes. In a pleasant company and rest flies by unnoticed. I think that this is not my last time in Montenegro.

  • Tony B Life

    Tony B Life


    Good hotel,near shop. Sea it’s too near,i think 5 min to walk

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