360 monte в Kotor

Черногория360 monte



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Stari grad 283, Kotor 85330, Montenegro
контакты телефон: +382 32 520 495
Веб-сайт: 360monte.me
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 42.4231952, Longitude: 18.7716325

Комментарии 5

  • en

    Alexandra Aftaragaci


    Great north tour of Montenegro with Luka. He is an awesome guide - knowledgeable, professional, enthusiastic and personable. Seen so many sights in just one day. Totally recommend Luka and the agency!

  • en

    Marina Zoppei


    Best tours of Montenegro. If you really want to go on a deep immersion on montenegrin culture, history, food, customs and incredible sights, DONT MISS THIS. I ended up going on 3 tours with 360 monte and was not let down in any of the tours. I was able to visit all the interesting corners of the country hassle free.

  • Tracey Mohabir

    Tracey Mohabir


    The boat trip with 360 Monte was absolutely amazing. Can't stress how good value for money it was. Other boat tours I looked at weren't anywhere near as good. We were out for a large part of the day. Our guide, Nina was brilliant as was the captain and the other crew member. The boat was so comfortable, the itinerary included, trip to the Lady of the Rock island, swimming in the blue cave plus two other swim stops and more. It was helped that the other guests on our trip were really nice too. Ine of the best trips I have ever done. Thank you 360Monte.

  • Keluarga Pelancong

    Keluarga Pelancong


    Had a fantastic tour, the Great Montenegro Tour. That's really great. We learned many things, including history, culinary, the great man of Montenegro, beautiful nature, nice, towns, and good tour guide. It was very fun joining young travelers from many parts of the world, although we're not so young anymore.

  • en

    Leslie Gil


    I did the Tara rafting tour and it was absolutely fantastic! We had an action packed day with amazing sights, food and conversation. Our guide Helen was funny and informative and the rafting is unforgettable. It made Montenegro one of my favorite stops while backpacking.

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